Tuesday, April 15, 2014

C. David Russel "In-Between"

According to Wikipedia a liminal being is an ambiguous being which embodies the co-presence of opposites and challenges social classification.

Located in the front gallery of Majestic Galleries in Nelsonville, Ohio, C. David Russell’s exhibit “The In-Between” is a collection of liminals that reside in-between various states of breath and space. They live in-between painting and drawing, color and b/w, flora and fauna, organic and engineered, and between the monumental and the ethereal.

The piece with strong primary colors tilts the work toward painting, thus rendering no longer in-between. Three pieces on stained paper are also a little problematic to me. The stains of questionable origin obscure the subtle drawings. Hints of color within the images work best for me, they walk that line between drawing/painting quite nicely. Line and color highlight each other rather than overwhelm. They invoke a peaceful, romantic reverie.

The show runs through April 20, 2014. Visit www.majesticgalleries.com for gallery hours.
