Emily Beveridge has curated an exhibition for Majestic Gallery in Nelsonville, Oh. that presents viewpoints on our relationship to animals. The show opened on Final Fridays On The Square on August 29 and runs through September 21. Hannah Cameron's Awkward Exit seems to me to be about how we love to have animal trophies, whether taxidermy or photograph, it's all about how we capture and rule animals. The piece is a sculpture of a fish eating another fish, that fish in turn is laid out on a bed of roses. The accompanying photographs puts a period on our consumption of the fish. Seana Higgins sculpture, Not My Circus, But These Monkeys Belong To Me, for me references how we use animals for our entertainment in circuses, fights, zoos, etc. whether they like it or not. Julie Dummermuth's painting, Angels In The Rain, depicts a carousel, with the poor llama(?) being impaled by a candy cane. We like to sugar coat our animal abuse. Deneatte Pratt's painting is more upfront, the blood is a more honest assessment of our relationship with animals. Emily's stuffed wolf that hangs in the central hallway is warning of what might happen if the animals decide to turn on us. He has no legs but is a good twelve feet long and has kept his teeth. He's a mutant who hangs over us ready to attack.
Check Majestic website for gallery hours