E. A. Brown
Fashion history is the subject matter for E. A. Brown’s
mixed media paintings on display at Starbrick Gallery in Nelsonville, Ohio. Mostly
from researched library photographs of local women, the paintings are of
fashions from the Napoleonic era to the early 1900’s up to the 1960’x. The
paintings are created with conte crayons, micron pens, acrylics, colored pencil
and spray paint.
A feeling of ghostliness is derived from the whiteness of
the paintings of earlier eras, depicting the shadow existence women had due to
their limited choices. The brightly colored painting of Twiggy from the 60’s
establishes the emancipation of women. Coming alive and expanding of women’s
choices is reflected in the expansion of the color choices.
The exhibit runs through July 23. Check out their website
for gallery hours. http://www.starbrick.com/

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